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Psalms Study for This Moment

Two opportunities to join us:
Thursdays, 11:00 am, beginning November 9,
Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, beginning November 15

When we started A Tree with Roots four years ago, part of our intention was to create an online learning community where Jewish spiritual wisdom could be explored and shared. Now, during these most difficult times, it’s more important than ever.

 With that in mind, you’re invited to join me for a new deep-dive into the Book of Psalms, starting on Thursday, November 9, at 11:00 am Eastern time.

 Jewish spirituality, in all its complexity, truly emerges in the Psalms, the ancient poems that were anthologized in the Hebrew Bible. When you dig beneath the surface, you find a complex tapestry of human emotions: doubt, exhilaration, fear, passion, anger, loneliness, gratitude…

 A Tree with Roots studied Psalms together last year; this will be a continuation of that series (I promise – no repeats from 2022!). 

 We’ll to try to keep these classes intimate by limiting the size of enrollment (if many people register, we’ll open a second class: please indicate your preference on the registration form). I’ll share some analysis of each Psalm—from the view of modern scholarship as well as traditional Jewish sources—but we’ll focus on how the Psalms speak to our spiritual condition today. And we will promote participation (Zoom cameras on!) and questioning.

If you would like to support the growth of A Tree with Roots, we would welcome it here:

Support a tree with roots here