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NEAL LIVE FROM ISRAEL: The Impossible Mitzvah - The Command to Imitate God

Neal will be in Israel in June, as the Fred and Anita Finkelman Scholar-in-Residence of Congregation Natan-Ya and Bridges for Hope, in honor of the Finkelmans’ grandson Matanel Yizhar Chodoff.

This special program for the marvelous Mitzvah organization BRIDGES FOR HOPE / Gesharim Letikvah.

For this class, we’ll explore the curious passages in the Torah that counterintuitively challenge us to “imitate God.” “Walk in God’s path,” instructs the Torah—over and over again. And yet other passages, like the Tower of Babel, teach that it is ridiculous for human beings to “play God”! How does our tradition teach us about this Mitzvah—and what are its spiritual implications for our work of Tikkun Olam?

This program will be broadcast LIVE on Facebook ON THURSDAY, JUNE 29, AT 16:30 ISRAEL TIME / 9:30 AM EASTERN (US) TIME through the page גשרים לתקווה - Bridges for hope, and it can also be seen via Zoom. To receive the Zoom link, register here: