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Tisha B'Av Study: A Collision with Modern Times

The Tisha B’Av (9th of Av) midsummer fast is a profound and somber day of reflection on themes of exile and alienation from Jerusalem, the divine, and one another. Yet Tisha B’Av remains a challenge for many contemporary Jews, who may ask: How mournful should we be in a land of prosperity and liberty? And what about Zionism - does Israel negate Tisha B’Av’s themes of exile?

Once, Tisha B’Av collided with modernity in dramatic ways. For our special Tisha B’Av program this year, we’ll read some provocative sources from modernists who tried to cast this day in a different light, to varying degrees of success but with a spiritual challenge to each of us in our generation.

All are welcome to join us on Sunday, August 7, at 11:00 AM Eastern for a spirited exploration of this meaningful season:

There is no cost for this program. If you’d like to support our work, it is greatly appreciated, and you can do so here:

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